Tuesday, August 02, 2005

All Aboard!

I just want everyone to be as excited as I currently am. Yesterday I printed all the boarding passes for everyone that I have information sheets. That is right...I have your ticket (well with the exception of 5 people) to climb onto the boat that is going to take us to magical new adventures!!

32 more days!!

posted by B at 8:40 AM |


Commented by Blogger Unknown:

Please tell me that I am not one of those 5 people! Am I? Eeek!

2/8/05 2:09 PM 
Commented by Blogger B:

Yes, yes you are one of the 5!

2/8/05 3:21 PM 
Commented by Blogger Unknown:

Yipes! Are Kim and Jeni on the list, too?! What do we need to do?

P.S. The OC Sistas are just as pumped as you are! I think every other sentence out of our mouths is, "I'm so excited for the cruise!"

3/8/05 6:43 PM 
Commented by Blogger American Girl:

JRA - it might be good to let the people who you don't have boarding passes know.

4/8/05 12:39 AM 
Commented by Blogger B:

I am now only missing 3 boarding passes.....The Diva, Kim and one from Utah and he knows who he is. We are getting closer!

4/8/05 9:52 AM 
Commented by Blogger Unknown:

Phew! So it's in the works, then? JRA, thanks a gamillion for being so on top of things. And thanks for lettin' us tag along on your trip. It's going to be so much fun. And American Girl, you are the cutest EVER! Thanks for settin' up this cute li'l blog for us. Ya'll are dolls!

4/8/05 12:21 PM 

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